Enjoy shopping on ohmykajo.com with these great return policy features:
15 Days Returns
You have 15 days to make a refund request after your order has been delivered.
Easy and Free Returns
You can return any product you have bought, and we will take care of the return shipping costs.
Full Refunds
If the item you have received is damaged, defective or not as described on the website, you will receive a full refund along with any shipping fees applied.
Authenticity Guarantee
If your purchase is found to be counterfeit, you will receive a full refund along with any shipping fees paid.
What are the conditions for returning an item?
Requirement for a valid procedure :
Proof of purchase (order number, invoice, etc).
Reason for return has to be valid and return acceptance conditions met (check out below).
Refund method that you would like and the necessary information associated (bank account number, etc.)
Return form returned with the product.
Should there be any item damaged due to our transportation, please contact our customer service within 24 hours for claim purposes. Remember to send back all items including the free promotional items that came with the purchase. If forgotten, the return will not be accepted.
Once your product is retrieved we will perform a quality check.
If the quality check is successful, we will refund you according to your requested refund method.
How much time do I have to return a product to your store name ?
All items sold on ohmykajo , under certain conditions, can be returned within a period of 14 days from delivery date.
Example: If I receive my product on Monday 5th, I have until next Sunday 19th to submit a return request.
Note: You can use the online return request within 7 days after receiving, and you can return one or more products after 7 days and before the end of the 15 days after receipt by contacting customer service or e-mail.
After 15 days, we will not be able to accept returns. In this case, we recommend that you contact the manufacturer responsible for product warranty if there is a warranty for the product.
How do I send my product to your store name?
We will arrange a date for receiving the product to be returned within 000 days of submitting the application. We will try to receive it from you twice in two different days. If we are unable to receive the product within the specified time, we will cancel the return request.
How do I track my return status?
We will keep you updated by Email and SMS about the status of your return. If any question please do not hesitate to call our customer service or sent mail to us .